New ideas about energy conservation

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Whenever you’ve searched for the best deal – and stayed with us here at globird energy – there are still things you can do to lower your electricity bill.

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We have presented some of the sensible decisions you can make around the house before in articles such as 13 very basic energy-saving tips for winter and also offered the scale of 8 observation apps. Some of the ideas we have recently suggested on the topic of the upcoming winter: 7 things to do now to reduce your Discount Power bills during the best winter season of the year – how to fix emissions air and getting double coverage – requires less effort and cost.

While we’ll continue to happily promote generators, low-power generators, portable indoor monitors and the like, this time around, we will have more updates. Maybe you have some similar beautiful ideas that you would like to share?

  1. The liquid is delicious

Get yourself a waterproof Bluetooth speaker. Choose a different song from your playlist every morning (or play once). Start your shower when the music starts and stop it after it ends (and don’t cheat by opting for purple downpour’s 8-minute, 42-second version!). 8 ideas to save energy

  1. Gamify background

Assuming you have kids, turn energy savings into a weekly or monthly contest, with a prize for whoever saves the most (or least) every time they act to save energy). Strength). Or on the other hand, you can use the punishment system to give “horror” the focus for disposal, and the winner is the person who focuses on the end of the week or month. 8 ideas to save energy

  1. Create a budget

Take a look at last year’s energy usage before the next charging period, then, at that time, continue to beat it (it’s important to use less, not more). Maybe put your goals in the form of dollars and put the difference – the amount you earn under the financial plan – to express what you want. 8 ideas to save energy

  1. Evening detox

As a small departure from “evening out”, choose one night out of seven days to use with almost no electricity (no kitchen, no tv, no appliances, and almost any light and sure). Get fish and chips and do your own meditation, from recommended games to family chores. 8 ideas to save energy

  1. Power of numbers

In calculating the refrigerator, which should always be available, count the number of different machines and appliances you have that can be connected at any time – without the greatest confusion. Now pick a number that is useful but test (maybe four or five?) And make sure you don’t go over it by turning off one before turning on the next. 8 renewable energy concepts

  1. Organizing machine collaboration

Find a few like-minded friends and neighbors and spend another night at your place. You will use less energy at night, it is your chance to save a lot, however, by not staying at home three or four more nights each month. 8 ideas to save energy

  1. Party sharing

A slight departure from previous thinking. Cook enough food for a few parties in one big concoct and give it to couples or two families nearby – after they cook to give back in style, of course. A few dinners for the same amount of energy, or plus a lot of food you might not cook for yourself (plus a few nights without cooking). 8 ideas to save energy

  1. Pedal power

Save money and get in shape at the same time by turning an old exercise bike into a light fixture. Well-known mechanics explains how to do it without anyone’s help, or you can put resources into something like the pedal-a-watt generator stand (a standard bicycle where it comes out to open to it) or upcycle eco charger. As the green micro gym site puts it, “the 50-150 watts you generate can power a phone, tablet, pc, and surprisingly, a tv without a job but a normal workout.