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A thorough study of the achievements of Soviet cinema became one of the important factors in the preparation and further emergence of Italian neorealism. In the same period, the third wave of Italian filmmakers “Intellectuals” (1927-1943), also appeared. Group deep analysis of the idea of ​​the film and joint work on the script became common practice. It was in this environment that the theoretical and practical preparation of neorealism, post-war take-off and world-wide recognition of Italian cinema began: L. Visconti, M. Anto-Nioni, J. De Santis, A. Pietrangeli, G. Aristarko, M. Mead, K. Lid- Zani and others. Before you watch their films in gogoanime you can have a look at the below information.


Testing and implementation of research results

7 articles were published on the topic of the dissertation research 4 of them were published in 4 editions included in the list of editions of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for candidate and doctoral dissertations.

The main provisions of the dissertation research were presented: at the scientific conference “Media and Identity: Media and the Formation of Personal Identity” (Research Institute of Motion Picture Arts, 2012). round table “In-Roy1-Yaz” (St. Petersburg State University, November 15, 2009). International network competition of literary translation “Music of Translation” (Moscow, October-December 2010). IV International Festival “Imperial Gardens of Russia” – “Italian Noon” (St. Petersburg, Stroganov Palace, May 26, 2011). Italo-Russian round table “Theater of Italy” (St. Petersburg, Cultural Center E. Obraztsova, May 27, 2011).

The dissertation was discussed and recommended for the defense at a meeting of the Department of History, History of Culture and Museum Studies of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts on January 14, 2013. The structure of the dissertation is determined by the logic of research and topic disclosure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and an appendix.

Italian Revolution

From the moment the United Kingdom of Italy appeared in 1861 and until the creation of the Italian Republic in 1946, the country has passed a difficult path of state formation. During this period, a predominantly agrarian country with backward forms of production and a weak economy has become one of the leading countries in the world with a technologically advanced industry and high culture.

However, history has shown that Italy’s main problem since its inception has been political instability. It is regrettable that this problem was not only limited to a change in the power of the government or members of Parliament of the parties of the “right”, “left”, “liberals”, “intercepts”, “neutrals”, “nationalists”, “fascists”, “socialists”, “Communists”, “demochristians”, “social democrats”, etc., but also was the cause of many dramatic events at different stages of the formation of the state.


Another difficult problem on the path of Italy’s development was the aggressive foreign policy of the government of the late XIX first half of the XX centuries, which more than once brought the country to the brink of disaster. The intransigence of the ruling class in carrying out social reforms not only impeded the development of the economy and social stability but also contributed to an unprecedented increase in unemployment, unprecedented in the scale of protests, bloody clashes and mass emigration of the population. At the same time, with great effort and in record time, the country underwent major transformations. It is about creating advanced production in many leading industries: engineering, shipbuilding, military, automotive, textile, mining, food, and chemical industries.