How to set a Revolution byArt: Journey of Artist


Life is beautiful! It has many things in line for every individual and holds a lot to get discovered and serve their purpose in an accurate manner! Such is the industry of music which is beyond one’s imagination and keeps giving new things to listen day by day. Very few love to sing aloud and come in front of public but there are few people who are best but need a platform to show their talent and make a place for them in the world of music to rock!So,what for you are waiting for bringing your art outside to share with the world and get acknowledged for your work throughout the world without controlling ads and algorithms being part of the floor which is there to create living for authentic and creative persons who want to define their passion for music. Despite thinking about any ups and down start your journey today with a reliable platform!


Choose the floor and let the world discover you and get paid for what you are giving to the people directly, without the involvement of any mediator.It welcomes all the creators of all kinds such as Rock music, Country music, Electronic music, Hip hop/Rap music, Jazz music or Pop music to build their own communities and creativity. Join this revolution to prove your talent that works with uncompromised creativity that takes help of today’s skewed internet. Music is divine but very few are aware of its forms,and people of all genres from toddlers to adolescents love to listen to the music according to their taste and interest.

How does it work?

The floor is aimed to help potential music artists and its fans to enjoy all forms of music and help creators to get paid for their passion. They work with a mission that provides space and supports the talented creators to come up with inspiring ideas that needed in this present generation apart from the internet, be it a marred marketing strategy that can’t be comprised and their data models. For this, the creators need to adhere to the rules and get handy full support of the floor team to protect themselves and reserve their rights if they are genuinely passionate about music.

This platform provides the best opportunity for those people who have creative hearts and minds and love to share a common belief that creativity is not meant for commercialism, not monopoly nor even publicity. It just connects the people of same interest and gives confidence to those who want to put their words to get listened by those people who are curious and have a lot of patience to look. They act as stepping stone or foundation stone for the genuine creators who ensure that their ideas are innovative and only come in front of a real audience.

They are there to help the creators and supporters to develop a public place where ideas exchanged, nurtured, hidden talents brought out and can be mastered, an actual situation that doesn’t depend on any ad revenue to survive. It is thus a neutral and sustainable place where creators, fans,and supporters have equal rights to directly share or listen, to showcase their talent without any third person.


Join this community that works for people who are made of collective hearts and interested in music to give their best and allows the audience to listen as well as help the creator get paid for what they had given to the audience. Take the shape of revolution which is essential in today’s digital and physical era. If you want any further assistance to brighten your future then meet the team of the floor who are ready to serve your needs at any time.