What monthly goals should be followed to reach the speciality in digital marketing?


In consensus it is about keeping up to date, reading a lot and being focused on the chosen area of ​​digital marketing, maintaining a portfolio of your own (Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogs) and always analyzing the growth of your market share. And as it should be, these great experts gave some tips to accelerate their development. Also, make a visit to www.plurk.com/foogleseo for knowing the best.

Learn from those who have already missed a lot and understand that there are no formulas; something that has worked very well for a company can go very wrong for you and vice versa. Understand the context in which your client is and see what your options are with the available resources, learn how to evaluate the cost-benefit of each option and make the decisions with them. Social media still lacks benchmarks, and it’s hard to say that something went right or wrong by looking outside, the real business impact is on sales, remember that.

Focus on the niche that you like and in the segment of acting that will have more credibility in the content you will work and understanding in the subject. Expose yourself, interact with everyone who is already a reference today and of course, caprice in its content. With the growth of digital media, the figure of the digital marketing consultant is increasingly present, barely in huge companies except also amongst SMEs that search to create an Internet presence.


It is a comparatively recent area and still unknown to most entrepreneurs; the digital marketing consultant becomes necessary to guide the structuring and investment decisions in this area. Companies are gradually becoming conscious that internet marketing requires capable professional and that a solid internet marketing approach that brings real outcome cannot be implemented by that nephew who “messes with the Internet.”

What is the role of the digital marketing consultant?

A Digital Marketing Consultant acts strategically helping companies to stipulate a set of guidelines for online and sometimes offline marketing actions that ensure exposure and return of the brand in digital media.

It is the function of the digital marketing consultant to examine the reason and circumstances of the company to be capable to next constructing an internet marketing plan that includes the international plan of the companies and the detail of the actions to be implemented in the different area of internet marketing in order to reach the strong-minded in the strategic planning stage.

In this planning are defined as:

  • Objectives of the brand’s online presence;
  • Immediate needs in light of the market situation;
  • Identification of key competitors with a good online presence;
  • Definition of channels and media to be used in online campaigns;
  • Definition of systems, metrics and KPIs to be monitored.

A digital marketing consultancy is a service that supports organizations and their managers in helping them understand and define the best alternatives in the online advertising market and the implications of their adoption. It is the role of the online marketing consultant to list the options available, their costs and results, in order to support the decisions of the business managers.